To enable men to have the most beautiful and best beards they can possibly imagine. Frustrated by the ordinary world and the endless "faceless" products available on the street, in early 2012 Freddy Furber sought to reinvent the wheel of what it means to be a well-groomed modern gentleman of the 21st century.
Percy Nobleman is a Brit influenced by times gone by and embracing the ever-changing times to create products that meet the needs of all men. His high-quality grooming products have found their way into the homes of thousands of men around the world who are impressed by their style, presentation and performance.

Percy Nobleman is a proud beard wearer himself and his passion is beard care. One day he remembered that his grandfather Cyril Nobleman always had the most beautiful beard of all. Now he wants to enable all men to have a beard as beautiful as his grandfather's. Percy Nobleman captures these feelings in the comic series "The Adventures of Percy Nobleman", which was published in 2015 as the world's first Instagram comic series. In his comic strips, Percy travels all over the world to find the best ingredients for his beard care products. On these sometimes adventurous journeys he is always accompanied by his best friend Pedro, his dog.